Billy's Weight Loss Tracker

Teanne's Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, November 21, 2008

3 days

So I'm finally getting around to posting for the last 3 days. Uggh, we did not have good eating days the last couple of days. We ordered Barros Pizza and Wings. It was really good, but really fatty. I'm starting to not like how I feel after I eat that type of stuff. I enjoyed it while I was eating it but afterward I just didn't feel as good as I do when I eat healthy. So I'm glad I'm more conscious of it now, and we're not just eating junk left and right w/out feeling bad about it. So today was better.
I'll start w/ today so I have the most recent on top.



Waffles/ Banana/ Cool Whip (4)
Sandwhich (5)
Pretzels (1)
Chicken Breast (3)
Potatoes (3)
Vegetables (0)
Cinnamon Waffle w/ butter (4)
Total: 19


Pizza & Wings (yes for breakfast!) 19
Sandwhich (5)
Pretzels (1)
Chicken, Potatoes, & Vegetables (6)
Orange Julius (6)

Total: 37

Oatmeal (4)
Chicken Sandwhich (8)
Chips (3)
a couple bites of pizza (2)
1/2 a baked potatoe (2)
Chili & Cheese (4)
Pumpkin Roll (6)
Total: 29
Bread/ PB/ Banana (5)
Pizza (10)
Wings (12)
Pretzels (2)
Chips (3)
Juice (2)
Pumpkin Bar (6)
Frozen Yogurt (2)
Total: 42
Cereal (5)
Sandwhich (5)
Pizza (20?)
2 Wings (6)
Ranch (3)
Total: 39
Oatmeal (2)
Enchiladas (9)
Pizza (10)
5 Wings (15)
Total: 36
*We try to be as accurate as possible w/ points. Some things we calculate and we know exactly how many points it is, but other things we just guess, and I try to always over estimate if I'm guessing at something. Or if something is half a point I just round up. We guessed that our Pizza was like 10 points a slice, so we might've overestimated but it's probably close.

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