Billy's Weight Loss Tracker

Teanne's Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, May 22, 2009

Our kitchen counter

P90X has taken over our kitchen counter! That's how dedicated we are. :) Ok, I'll explain. We had to get a new blender since we use ours pretty much every day now (for fruit shakes, slushy recovery drinks- that taste like Orange Julius- and sometimes for soups) So we've been using it so much that our old one died on us, and it was time to get a new one (the 1st one we've actually boughten since we've been married). So that's our nice new blender, and then I just got those new canisters b/c we had these big ol' tubs taking over all our counter space. We had 2 big tubs of protein powder and one w/ a recovery drink powder. So I had to get those, so it would actually look nice. And there's multivitamins in the last one.
OK, and then there's the hand held blender which we a lot of time use for our recovery drinks, and there's the scale (self explanitory, right?)
After I got all that new stuff I just thought it was kind of cool how that whole counter was P90X related.
And you should see our fridge! The fruit and vegetable drawers are always PACKED full, and then the whole bottom shelf has vegetables. The middle shelf pretty much has eggs and a loaf of bread for the kids. The freezer has mostly frozen vegetables, frozen chicken, fish, turkey burger, etc. But it is so cool to see all healthy stuff!
We're doing good. We took 30 day pics and already we are both seeing a big transformation. But Billy wants to wait to post pics until 60 or 90 days that way there's more dramatic results.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My exercise insight

So I was mopping the floors this morning and I had a thought. OK, I DO NOT like cleaning...who does? But I do it b/c I can't stand to live in filth and unorganization/ clutter. So even though I don't like cleaning I do it b/c I feel better when it's done. I feel less stress when the house is clean; it feels, calmer, happier in our home when the house is clean. If the floors are a mess I do not feel good about just letting it go, and if I don't do it that day I feel bad, but once I get it done I feel so good that I've done it even if it wears me out.
Then I had an epiphany (haha) I started comparing it to exercising. Last night we didn't exercise and I didn't feel as good physically or mentally. I felt guilty, and at the end of the night I was wishing I would've just done it.
Also, now when I exercise, I feel really good after I'm done. And mentally, I'm proud of myself that I did it. So it's kind of like cleaning the house; sometimes I'm so tired that I don't want to do it, but once I get it done it is so worth it and I feel so much better.
I need to remember that when I don't feel like exercising (how good I feel once I'm done)
So it's been a little since I've updated. The last two days of last week were legs and back (which is not as hard as plyometrics but still a good work out) and then Kenpo X, which I'm really starting to like! The more I do it the more I like it, b/c there's a lot less "What the heck? How do you do that? What is he doing?" Once I started getting the hang of it, I was like this is actually pretty fun.
One time I was in a boxing pose and I was trying to get the footing down so I wasn't doing much w/ my arms and Billy looks over at me and says "You look like Will doing his chicken dance." I could not stop laughing!!! It was so funny, and then every time I'd get in the stance I'd think of Will doing his chicken dance and start laughing again. haha
This week is recovery week. We were really looking forward to this week b/c we thought it'd be so easy! We saw that there was Yoga (which we orginally thought was going to be easy but soon found out it's not as easy as we thought) so Yoga, and X Stretch. We've never done X Stretch b/c it's always on the 7th day which is either Rest or X Stretch and we always choice rest. Then there's Core Synergitics. This ones new to us but we figured it couldn't be too hard since it's on the recovery week. Yeah! (insert sarcasm here) It kicked our butt. This week is not the easy week we thought it would be. Maybe none of it'll be easy... but it's worth it.
30 day Result pictures coming soon.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Shoulders & Arms/ Yoga

We had Shoulders and Arms on Wednesday. Compared to day 1 and day 2 it is not bad. I actually really like working my arms. Maybe my arms can take a lot b/c they're used to carrying around a baby many hours of the day for yrs now. At any rate, I really like this work out. It burns after awhile of course; there are many repetitions and the last three are always tough for more, but it's a great work out.

We missed yesterday. You can rest one day a week (or do X Stretch) and yesterday it just didn't happen, so that was our one rest day.

Today we did Yoga. It's harder than you think people! It really is not easy. The first time I did it I realized I'm not very strong and I don't have good balance... at all. I think I am already getting stronger and getting better balance, but I still have a ways to go. I am definetly seeing improvement though. It's hard, but it feels good, and we noticed especially the first week that it helped w/ our sore muscles.
I was surprised at how flexable I am getting. It's kinda fun!